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Jennifer Kauffman目前是安妮阿倫德爾縣的 K-5 普通音樂-4/5 合唱教師,MMEA 當選主席,MGMTA 前任主席,NAfME 普通音樂教育委員會東區代表。  2015 年,Jennifer 在阿勒格尼縣任教期間獲得了 MMEA 卓越教學獎。  擔任主持人、客座指揮。作為當地、地區、州和東部各級的陪審員,作為 MSDE MC3 名冊藝術家,她幫助她意識到所有學生的潛力以及改變教學策略以滿足每個學生需求的動力。 

Amy T. Hairston - Montgomery County

President-Elect, Maryland Music Educators Association

Amy T. Hairston, MMEA President-Elect, is in her 19th year as a choral/general music teacher at Springbrook High School. She is a proud alumnus of Oakland Mills HS & UMD. In addition to her work for MMEA and Montgomery County, Amy has been a clinician and adjudicator for Calvert, Baltimore & Howard County, and has led professional development sessions at NJMEA and the Maryland Arts Summit. She enjoys promoting music education advocacy, vocal coaching for musicals and coaching Springbrook’s JV Girls Soccer team.

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Brian Schneckenburger 博士


Brian Schneckenburger 博士是巴爾的摩縣公立學校的音樂和舞蹈主管。他目前擔任馬里蘭州音樂教育家協會主席和全國音樂教育協會主要資源教學項目的指導委員會成員。布賴恩還在陶森大學音樂教育系任教。他獲得了博士學位。馬里蘭大學帕克分校課程與教學/音樂教育學士。



Thomas Pierre是喬治王子郡公立學校的國家委員會認證音樂教師。他擁有 Orff-Schulwerk 教學法證書,並且是 2020 年 CMA 音樂教師卓越國家獎獲得者。其他獎項包括:華盛頓市長卓越教學藝術獎、肯尼迪中心通過藝術學習證書改變教育、馬里蘭音樂教育家協會傑出音樂教育家,以及 2019 年格萊美音樂教育家獎的四分之一決賽選手。 Pierre 先生目前擔任 MMEA 會員,並在地方、州、國家和國際層面主持講習班,為兒童和成人提供支持,幫助通過藝術教育和藝術融合縮小城市教育的成就差距.

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Carrie Barrett Traube - Baltimore County

Recording Secretary, Maryland Music Educators Association

Carrie Barrett Traube, NBCT, holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s of Music Education Degree from Towson University. She has taught 4th and 5th grade music in Baltimore County for the past 6 years. At her school, she fills the role of both the vocal general and the instrumental teacher and hosts an after school ukulele program . During the summer, she enjoys working at music camps and marching band camps.


總統, 馬里蘭州樂協會

馬修·海斯特 (Matthew Heist)在安妮·阿倫德爾縣 (Anne Arundel County) 教授音樂 17 年,目前是馬里蘭州安納波利斯布羅德內克高中的樂隊總監。他在 Broadneck 的職責包括指揮音樂會樂隊、軍樂隊、爵士樂隊和打擊樂團。在他的領導下,海斯特先生的音樂會合奏團、爵士樂隊和行進合奏團在地區和州級音樂節上獲得了一致的好評,並以卓越的音樂而聞名。馬修還活躍於馬里蘭音樂教育家協會,現任馬里蘭樂隊指揮協會主席。

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Susan Eckerle - Montgomery County

President-Elect, Maryland Band Directors Association

Susan Eckerle is the Director of Bands at Wootton High School. She is the MCPS Senior Honor Band Prep Conductor and an At-Large MMBA board member. For MMEA, she has served on the MBDA board and as assistant manager of the Senior All-State Band. Her degrees are from LSU (BME) and CSU, Fresno (MA, conducting). She received the MMEA Outstanding Music Educator Award in 2023 and the Scroll of Excellence from WBDI in 2022.

Edryn J. Coleman 博士


Edryn J. Coleman 博士是馬里蘭州霍華德縣奧克蘭米爾斯高中的合唱總監,在那裡他指揮合唱團並教授鋼琴。此前,他曾在兩所大學擔任合唱活動總監,教授小學、中學和大學級別的音樂。值得稱道的是,迄今為止,他已多次擔任客座指揮、評委和專業演講。他是阿拉巴馬州蒙哥馬利人,擁有斯蒂爾曼學院的聲樂學士學位、佛羅里達州立大學的 MME 和雪蘭多大學雪蘭多音樂學院的音樂碩士學位。

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Toni Daniel是表演藝術的長期倡導者和支持者。完成 18 年的學習後,她成為馬里蘭州索爾茲伯里市帕克賽德高中的合唱活動總監。在她任職期間,托尼曾在各種合唱活動和組織中擔任過多個角色。其中一些職位包括:全岸初級和高級主席、第五區初級合唱節主席、第五區高級合唱節主席和東岸合唱協會主席。她理解表演藝術對學生生活的積極影響——一個接受和歸屬感的地方。



AnneMarie Karnbach在 Chopticon 高中教授管弦樂隊、鋼琴和吉他,19 年前她在那裡開始了管弦樂隊課程。她喜歡客座指揮和裁判。  她擁有 IUP 的音樂表演學士學位,並在那裡與約翰斯敦交響樂團合作了四年。 AnneMarie 目前與她的丈夫 Chris 住在馬里蘭州的好萊塢。他們的兩個孩子,克里斯托弗和艾比;三隻狗,墨菲、黛西和霍莉;和貓諾拉。她很高興能以當選總統的身份參與 MODA!




Dana Shieh 女士是一位活躍的教師和評審員,在過去的 28 年裡一直從事教學工作。她目前是麥克納馬拉主教高中的弦樂團指揮。她之前是喬治王子縣 Thomas G. Pullen 藝術學院的弦樂團指揮。 Shieh 女士擁有哥倫布州立大學中提琴演奏學士學位、佛羅里達州立大學音樂教育碩士學位,以及埃默里和亨利學院的鈴木認證。 Shieh 女士此前曾擔任馬里蘭大學夏季器樂體驗的導演,並擔任全州、獨奏和合奏以及全州管弦音樂節的評委。作為表演者,謝女士曾與國家愛樂樂團和DC地區的其他管弦樂團進行專業演出。



Christie Cook是卡爾弗特縣公立學校的美術和表演藝術主管。  她花了 14 年時間在北部和 Windy Hill 中學教授音樂欣賞和管弦樂隊。 Christie 很高興能以 MGMTA 總裁的身份為 MMEA 服務,通過為教師制定傑出的專業發展計劃並繼續倡導為所有年齡段的學生提供優質的音樂教育,以進一步推動馬里蘭州的音樂教育。

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Ashleigh Cicconi, M.Ed., MT-BC, 擁有音樂治療學士學位和教育碩士學位,目前正在攻讀教育領導力博士學位。  她曾擔任董事會認證的音樂治療師和實習主管,並開發和實施了原創教育音樂計劃。  Ashleigh 目前在麥克多諾學校擔任低年級表演藝術教師,此外還在陶森大學擔任兼職教授,在那裡她教授多門音樂教育和音樂專業課程。



Anderson 博士是馬里蘭州索爾茲伯里大學音樂教育的助理教授和協調員,在 PK-12 學校擁有 30 年的音樂教學經驗。她的重點領域是中學普通音樂、合唱音樂教育、課程編寫、尤克里裡教學和音樂技術。她對服務的承諾獲得了富爾頓人文學院的服務獎。她還與同樣是 SU 教授的戴安娜·瓦格納 (Diana Wagner) 一起演奏各種樂器並唱歌。

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勞拉·希肯(Laura Hicken) 是陶森大學音樂教育助理教授。她教授本科和研究生音樂教育課程,並且是大學 NafME 分會的教職贊助商。 Hicken 獲得了博士學位。德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校音樂與人類學習專業,北卡羅來納大學格林斯博羅分校音樂教育碩士,弗曼大學音樂教育學士。在陶森任教之前,希肯在南卡羅來納州和佛羅里達州教樂隊和一般音樂。

Appointed Chairs & Representatives



艾米·T·海爾斯頓(Amy T. Hairston) 在 MD (Springbrook HS) 擔任合唱/一般音樂和戲劇教師已經 16 年了。她是奧克蘭米爾斯 HS 和 UMD 的驕傲校友。今年夏天,她加入了 MCEA 董事會,擔任專業發展聯絡員。她一直是霍華德、蒙哥馬利、巴爾的摩和卡爾弗特縣的音樂臨床醫生和評審員,並喜歡在 MMEA 服務中進行演講。

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Krystal Williams目前是馬里蘭州巴爾的摩西部女子高中的樂隊總監。威廉姆斯夫人於 1999 年至 2005 年就讀於摩根州立大學,主修音樂。獲得器樂學士學位後,她繼續接受指揮教育,並擔任摩根州立樂隊項目的研究生助理。威廉姆斯夫人還擁有馬里蘭聖母大學的教學碩士學位。她是巴爾的摩市公立學校的 14 年音樂教師。她目前與丈夫德懷特和兒子馬修住在馬里蘭州溫莎米爾。

Dr. Jorim Edgar Reid, Sr. - Morgan State University

Collegiate Chapter Representative Chair

Composer and Conductor Dr. Jorim Reid, Sr. is an Assistant Professor, Director of Bands & Instrumental Music Coordinator at Morgan State University. He previously served as Director of Bands at Fayetteville State University (2015-2021) and North Carolina Central University (2000-2014). Reid has a Bachelor’s in Music Education degree from Florida A & M University, a Master’s of Music Education degree from Florida State University, and a Doctorate of Musical Arts Degree (DMA) from Boston University.

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Jelynna-Marie Horsey - FSU NAfME Chapter 

Collegiate Representative

Hello, My name is Jelynna Horsey and I’m an upcoming junior music education major with a vocal and choral focus at Frostburg State University. I am so excited to be the Collegiate Board Member this year and I can’t wait to do some good! 

Kellie Harvey, NBCT - Wicomico County

Conference Chair

Kellie Harvey, NBCT, has been musically inspiring students in Wicomico County since 2014. Named 2020 Fruitland Primary Teacher of the Year and 2022 MMEA Outstanding Music Educator, Kellie has developed and implemented an arts integration curriculum, mentored new and current teachers, and received numerous grant awards. Within her community, Kellie shares her music skills by performing in local ensembles and teaching private lessons. She is a graduate of Seton Hill University and University of Florida.



Richard A McCready在馬里蘭州克拉克斯維爾的 River Hill 高中教授音樂技術、鋼琴和吉他,同時也是馬里蘭州霍華德縣的音樂技術資源教師。他獲得了 2013 年 TI:ME Mike Kovins 年度教師獎、2013 年霍華德縣年度音樂教育家獎以及 2014 年馬里蘭州傑出音樂教育家獎。他還被學校樂隊和管弦樂團評為 2017 年“50 位與眾不同的導演”之一,並於 2015 年獲得格萊美音樂教育家獎半決賽。



沃爾特·A·哈雷(Walter A. Harley) 在奧克森山高中 (Oxon Hill High School) 擔任主席、樂隊和管弦樂隊總監已經 27 年了。 Oxon Hill 樂隊/管弦樂隊在地方、州和國家音樂節上獲得了高級和優秀評級。沃爾特獎是 2008 年年度最佳樂隊導演、2009 年和 2012 年的 LOVE 獎;喬治王子郡 2000 年度最佳教師,PGCPS 2010、2011、2012 年度傑出教育工作者;華盛頓郵報 Agnes Myer 2012 年度傑出教育家,以及 2011、2012 和 2016 年 NBA 卓越獎。  

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Judy N. Drengwitz - Sweetwater

Music Industry Representative

Judy has worked in the music industry for more years than many of you have been born...stores in Wichita, Anaheim, Wheaton MD, Gaithersburg, MD and now Indiana. Why I do what I do is because I know the importance of arts and music as a necessary part of education. I was raised by 2 musicians...Dad had a big band and was with the Wichita Symphony, Mom was his singer. I was around music my whole life. With a group from NAMM we go on The Hill almost every year to advocate for music education...working with elected officials and their educational staff. I have work with arts supervisors, band directors, etc...and will do all that I can to help their programs. The importance of this work makes my life complete.

Chan'nel Howard - Baltimore City

Music Supervisors Representative

Chan’nel Williams Howard was born in Baltimore City and is a proud product of the Baltimore City Public Schools. She is a proud graduate of Western High School. Chan’nel received her bachelor’s degree from Frostburg State University, her Master’s degree from University of Phoenix, and is in pursuit of her doctorate in Educational Leadership and Administration from Walden University.
Chan’nel heralds her greatest accomplishment as being a mom. She has three beautiful children Jonathan, Benjamin, and Aubree and a host of “band children” from her over 12 years as a band director at Northeast Middle School.
Chan’nel has proudly served Baltimore City Public Schools for 22 years where the bulk of her work was as a middle school band director and as Coordinator of Fine Arts since 2017.

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Robby Burns - Howard County

Music Technology Chair

Robby teaches band and general music at Ellicott Mills Middle School in the Howard County Public School System, where he also co-directs the HCPSS Middle School GT Honor Band. Outside of HCPSS, he maintains a large private percussion studio, a freelance performing schedule, as well as adjudicating, coaching, and consulting work. Robby has presented at music educator conferences all over the country on a range of topics relating to band, orchestra, and technology. He is the author of “Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers" from Oxford University Press. He produces a blog and podcast called Music Ed Tech Talk. 

Louise L. Anderson - Salisbury University

Research Chair

Dr. Anderson, an Associate Professor and the Coordinator for Music Education at Salisbury University, MD, has 30 years of experience teaching music in PK-12 schools. Her focus areas are secondary general music, choral music education, curriculum writing, ukulele instruction, and music technology. Her commitment to service was rewarded with the Service Award for the Fulton School of the Humanities. She also performs a variety of instruments and sings with Diana Wagner, also an SU professor.

Laura Allison - Baltimore County

Special Learners Committee Chair

Laura Allison has been teaching music in Baltimore County for 17 years.  She has worked in an elementary setting with a large population of autistic students and is currently teaching at a separate public day school for children ages 3-21 with severe and profound disabilities.  Laura has her BME in Music Education from WV Wesleyan College and an MS in Special Education from Johns Hopkins University. She received the MMEA Outstanding Educator Award in 2023.

Phil Barnes - Montgomery County

State Large Ensemble Festivals Chair

Phil Barnes has served as the Coordinator of Instrumental Music & Theatre for Montgomery County Public Schools since 2020. In this role, he supports over 200 teachers across the nation's 15th largest school district. MCPS is consistently named one of America’s Best Communities for Music Education by the NAMM Foundation. Before moving into administration, Phil spent 17 years teaching instrumental music, choral music, piano, guitar, music theory, music history, music technology, and music for special learners at the middle and high school levels. He is a proud product of the Maryland music education system, having attended Wicomico County Public Schools and the University of Maryland.

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Sarah Burrall - Queen Anne's County

State Solo and Ensemble Festival Chair

Soprano Sarah Burrall is currently in her 9th year of teaching at Matapeake Middle School in Queen Anne’s County.  She teaches Choral Music, Music & Theatre Arts, and acts as the Musical Production director. She has been able to cultivate thriving choral and musical programs. Outside of teaching, Sarah has lent her vocal talents to several non-profit organizations. Sarah received her bachelor's from Salisbury University in 2015 and her master's in Music Education from Kent State University in 2022.

Richard McCready - Howard County

Young Composers Project Chair

Richard A McCready teaches Music Technology, Piano, and Guitar, at River Hill High School in Clarksville, Maryland, and is also the Resource Teacher for Music Technology for Howard County, MD. He was awarded the 2013 TI:ME Mike Kovins Teacher of the Year Award, the 2013 Howard County Music Educator of the Year Award, and also the 2014 Maryland Outstanding Music Educator Award. He was also recognized by School Band and Orchestra as one of their “50 Directors Who Make A Difference” in 2017, and was a Grammy Music Educator Award semi-finalist in 2015.



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Anthony J. Conto

Executive Director

Anthony has been Executive Director for MMEA since July 1, 2022. Prior to his appointment, he came to MMEA with over a decade of service to the Board, as well as over two decades of experience as a music educator and arts administrator. His primary background is in instrumental music, as well as experience in choral music. He was the Director of Fine Arts and Director of Bands & Orchestra at Bishop McNamara H.S. in Forestville, Maryland. He earned both his Bachelor of Science and Master of Music in Music Education and Conducting, from the University of Maryland, as well as a graduate certificate in Executive Leadership in Arts and Culture Strategy from the University of Pennsylvania and National Arts Strategies. He is currently also the Artistic Director and Conductor for the D.C.’s Different Drummer’s Symphonic Band, in Washington D.C. He has an extensive background with non-profit organizations and a wealth of experience working with teams, event coordination, fundraising, and budget management. Anthony was born, raised and currently lives in Prince George’s County, Maryland.




Kayde 是一位自然愛好者和終生的音樂家,並且一直是弗吉尼亞州許多非營利組織的教學藝術家和管理團隊的成員。她在管理和客戶服務部門工作了 13 年,非常喜歡與 MMEA 進行遠程工作。




安迪是馬里蘭州的終生居民,過去 25 年來一直在藝術和人文領域的非營利組織擔任行政職位。她是全州高級合唱團的校友,喜歡為 MMEA 工作以促進馬里蘭州的音樂教育。

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