MMEA's goal is to raise consistent funds each month to maintain viability during each fiscal year. Be included among the individuals supporting the programs and activities that have an impact. Setting up automated, monthly donations is an easy way to help sustain the Association over time.
Consider making a donation to honor a friend, colleagues, or loved one.
Click Here to make a monthly or one-time donation.
Payment options are with Google Pay, credit card, or bank transfer
Consider donating rewards points or transferable credits for flights, hotels, and additional rewards programs. MMEA has accounts with several airlines, hotel groups, and credit cards.
Contact us at mmeamarylandinfo@gmail.com to learn more.
MMEA would be honored if a donor wished to consider planned giving. Possible relationships with donors could include, but are not limited to:
Life Insurance
Retirement Fund
Annuities or Trusts
Gifts of Stock
Contact us at mmeamarylandinfo@gmail.com to learn more.
MMEA offers several packages for organizations to partner with our association and support Music Education in Maryland.
Consider being a Sponsor, Exhibitor, and/or Sustaining Partner.
Visit our Become a Partner for more information.
Joe Corbi’s & MMEA Partnership
Take advantage of this partnership, and fundraise for your school music program, as well as support MMEA at the same time!
Visit our Joe Corbi’s Collaboration Page for more information.
Maryland Music Educators Association (MMEA) had a wonderful season being a part of last year’s Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)!
Do you know any federal employees? The CFC is the world's largest charitable giving drive for employees, and allows federal employees to donate time and money to charities.
The 2024 campaign ran from September 1, 2024 to January 15, 2025. Stay tuned for the 2025-2026 Campaign!
MMEA's charity code is 34879. Learn more about the CFC here.
Does your workplace have a different workplace giving or donor matching program?
Contact us at mmeamarylandinfo@gmail.com and we will be glad to work with your company.
THANK YOU for Your Support!
Every Donation Counts!

MMEA 為我們為幫助領導馬里蘭州的行業所做的工作感到自豪。為了繼續這個使命,我們需要 定期資金支持。 MMEA 必須每月籌集不少於 1,000 美元,以維持 2020-2021 年的生存能力。
被包括在支持有影響的計劃和活動的個人中。 點擊這裡 今天給MMEA!設置自動的每月捐款是幫助協會長期維持下去的一種簡單方法。請考慮成為 維持捐助者。
對 MMEA 的所有財務貢獻均可免稅。 了解有關加入 MMEA/NAfME 的更多信息。
如需贊助機會,請發送電子郵件至mmeamarylandinfo@gmail.com給執行董事 JJ Norman發送電子郵件。